Posts tagged 'Audio'

Top Tips : Keeping To One Hi-Fi Cable Brand

Top Tips : Keeping To One Hi-Fi Cable Brand

8 January 2020
293 view(s)

Navigating the quagmire of different audio & video cable brands is not easy. There are a huge number of manufacturers developing cutting edge technologies. Each company manufactures hundreds of different cables all in many different lengths so how should you decide which company and which cable suits you and your AV set up? Each AV cable manufacturer aspires to a variety of brand values and a distinctive sound that they wish to offer (Continue reading...)

Must Haves: Phono Audio Cables

Must Haves: Phono Audio Cables

4 December 2019
204 view(s)

Phono Audio Cables are arguably the most used cables for any type of Audio set-ups. With different materials, construction processes and shielding, each cable can offer a unique build that differs from others and each brand aims for their own signature sound. Being one of the most used cables means there are many different varieties available so we’ve made our own list of which audio cables are a must-have: (Continue reading...)